Lawful Stupid

creating an actual play D&D Podcast made by best friends

  • 46 members
  • 159 posts
  • $324.9/month

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What A Pal
 / month

We know that every dollar you make is important. We are just honored that you would even consider throwing one our way. Honestly, we aren't too greedy to appreciate it.  Lawful Stupid is dedicated to improving the world we live in using tabletop games. We make a roll each session that benefits a charity that rotates each month. Every donor at every level including this one has a voice as to who we help. + Access to our Patron discord channels  + Access to hours of Patreon exclusive content. 

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Crazier Than Findahl
 / month

Well, well, well. We are beyond stoked that you would consider us worthy of your hard earned money. You must be crazy as Findahl. You get previous tier awards plus: + Have a Non-Player Character created in your honor (choose good or evil).

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Dear Friend
 / month

Sometimes you just want to know what is going on inside the heads of the players. Here is your chance.  You get previous tier awards plus:  +Create a magical item for the crew to find eventually(subject to DM discretion).

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Lawfully Crazy
 / month

You just used Confusion as a level 9 spell and we love it! Thanks for the trust you place in us to produce good material.  +Your very own Lawful Stupid T-shirt! Show off your Lawful Craziness IRL.

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Oh Darling, My Darling
 / month

Limited (9 of 10 remaining)

Our new Tier that includes everything from previous tiers, but leaves off the one shot. Join the LS crew when they record live!

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Lawful Stupid
 / month

Limited (5 of 11 remaining)

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Lawful Stupid

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